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【學       歷】

2000/09 – 2003/06     國立交通大學經營管理研究所博士
1992/09 – 1994/06     國立中山大學企業管理研究所碩士
1988/09 – 1992/06     國立台灣大學化學工程學系學士

【經       歷】

2018/08 – 2019/07     Portland State University,訪問學者
2010/04 – 2013/06     政翔精密股份有限公司,獨立董事
2010/03 – 2011/12      哈佛商業評論中區教學與研究中心,主任
2008/03 – 2009/07     國立暨南國際大學管理學院EMBA,執行長
2007/08 – 2011/07      國立暨南國際大學國企系,副教授
2006/12 – 2007/04     Long Island University,訪問學者
2004/11 – 2005/12     工研院經資中心(IEK),顧問
2003/08 – 2007/07     國立暨南國際大學國企系,助理教授
2001/01 – 2003/04     璨碩科技股份有限公司,總經理特別助理
1999/04 – 2000/06     旭聯科技股份有限公司,協理
1997/08 – 1999/03     崧揚科技股份有限公司,行銷暨專案經理
1995/02 – 1997/07     彥旭股份有限公司,總經理
1994/09 – 1995/02     冠德建設股份有限公司,管理部專員

【服       務】


【專     長】



【榮     譽】

  1. 教育部延攬及留住特殊優秀人才獎勵, 2022 ; 2023
  2. 國立暨南國際大學高引用率學術期刊論文獎, 2021.
  3. Fulbright Senior Research Grant, 2018-2019.
  4. 科技部補助科學與技術人員赴國外短期研究獎勵, 2019.
  5. 科技部大專校院特殊優秀人才獎勵, 2015;2017;2018;2019.
  6. 國家科學委員會大專校院特殊優秀人才獎勵, 2011;2012;2013.
  7. Nominating Professor of the PICMET Outstanding Student Paper Award (H.-C. Huang), 2010.
  8. The Best Paper, International Conference on e-Commerce, Bangkok, Thailand, 2008.
  9. 國立暨南國際大學學術研究績優獎, 2007.
  10. 國家科學委員會補助科學與技術人員赴國外短期研究獎勵, 2006.
  11. 國立暨南國際大學學術研究獎, 2006; 2007; 2008; 2009; 2010; 2011; 2012; 2013; 2014; 2018; 2021; 2022.


  1. 111~112年科技部專題計畫:技術世界體系之初探—以半導體技術為例
    (MOST 111-2410-H-260 -003 -MY2)
  2. 108~110年科技部專題計畫:以互動論觀點探討技術發展路徑與策略選擇
    (MOST 108-2410-H-260 -031 -MY3)
  3. 機場服務品質調查、旅客特性及服務研究、旅客服務關鍵績效指標專案. 桃園國際機場股份有限公司. (110年)
  4. 108年科技部補助科學與技術人員赴國外短期研究計畫:探索產業科技創新能力之技術體制(MOST 108-2918-I-260-001)
  5. 機場服務品質調查、旅客特性及服務研究、服務績效指標專案. 桃園國際機場股份有限公司. (108年)
  6. Fulbright Senior Research Program:Exploring the Patent Transaction Market. (2018/9/1~2019/6/30)
  7. 機場服務品質調查、旅客特性及服務研究及旅客服務績效研究. 桃園國際機場股份有限公司. (106年)
  8. 105~107年科技部專題計畫:從全球技術鑲嵌觀點探討台灣科技升級轉型的機會與選擇 (MOST 105-2410-H-260 -045 -MY3)
  9. 機場服務品質調查、研究及建立KPI指標專案. 桃園國際機場股份有限公司. (104年)
  10. 機場服務品質調查、研究及建立KPI指標專案. 桃園國際機場股份有限公司. (103年)
  11. 102~104年國科會專題計畫:專利交易價值鏈之研究—以專利引證網絡分析與專利交易網絡分析(NSC102-2410-H-260-022-MY3)
  12. 國科會產學合作計畫:以社會網絡觀點探討專利權交易關係中廠商之技術策略規劃機制 (NSC 100-2622-H-260-001-CC3)
  13. 100~101年國科會專題計畫:從專利引證網絡分析探討台灣技術發展藍圖 (NSC100-2410-H-260-001-MY2)
  14. 經濟部工業局專案計畫:數位內容產業發展躍進計畫(100年)
  15. 97~99年國科會專題計畫:以社會網絡觀點探討專利引證關係中之技術流動、技術策略規劃與技術價值 (NSC97-2410-H-260-001-MY3)
  16. 經濟部工業局專案計畫:數位內容產業發展躍進計畫(99年)
  17. 國科會計畫:電信國家型科技產學合作橋接計畫(3/3) (NSC 97-3114-P-260-001-Y)
  18. 96年國科會專題計畫:從網絡分析觀點探討市場結構與績效的關係:以臺灣產業結構為例(NSC 96-2416-H-260-015-)
  19. 國科會計畫:電信國家型科技產學合作橋接計畫(3/2) (NSC 96-3114-P-260-001-Y)
  20. 國立暨南國際大學特色研究:台商的全球網路計畫
  21. 國科會計畫:電信國家型科技產學合作橋接計畫(1/3) (NSC 95-3114-P-260-001-Y)
  22. 95年國科會專題計畫:從國際技術擴散觀點探討台灣之國際技術競爭優勢(NSC95-2416-H-260-009)
  23. 95年國科會補助科學與技術人員赴國外短期研究計畫:企業研發之國際化過程與策略(NSC95-2918-I-260-001)
  24. 94年國科會專題計畫:產業採用電子商務之傳播效應研究—以台灣產業結構之網絡分析觀點(NSC94-2416-H-260-006)
  25. 93年國科會專題計畫:南投縣觀光景點動線之研究—以網絡分析觀點(NSC93-2415-H-260-007-SSS)
  26. 國立暨南國際大學特色研究:中台灣傳統產業轉型與升級策略之研究
  27. 92年國科會專題計畫:電子化服務品質與服務價值—科技準備度觀點(NSC92-2416-H-260-021- )
  28. 經濟部科技研究發展專案計畫:產業科技創新系統與運作機制政策研究計畫
  29. 經濟部工業局研究專案計畫:傳統產業知識移轉與群聚創新之策略.
  30. 經濟部工業局研究專案計畫:建構企業營運總部之經營模式.
  31. 經濟部工業局研究專案計畫:傳統產業槓桿運用高新科技之策略研究計畫
  32. 經濟部科技研究發展專案計畫:產業技術政策研究與決策系統建置計畫 (MOEA: 90-EC2A-17-0118-07)



  1. 發明專利「一種用于企業孵化器的信息管理平台」,專利號:ZL201711315536.2, 中國, 2021.
  2. 發明專利「一種音頻接口芯片」,專利號:ZL201810484672.2, 中國, 2020.


【著     作】


  1. Hung-Chun Huang, Hsin-Yu Shih, Tsung-Han Ke, Strategic Intentions of Patent Transactions: A Network Analysis of the TFT-LCD industry. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Accepted. [SSCI]
  2. 黃鴻鈞, 施信佑, 許家瑋, 2021. 探索台灣對東南亞地區科技交流模式. 產業與管理論壇 23(4), pp.4-36. [TSSCI]
  3. 施信佑, 謝天, 2021. 中國高科技園區服務品質機能展開及提升研究 -- 結合AHP、QFD和TRIZ方法之應用. 產業與管理論壇 23(3), pp.4-30. [TSSCI]
  4. Hsin-Yu Shih, Ying-Sheng Yao, 2020. Indicators of Low-Carbon Management in the Leisure Industry: Research Using Examples in Taiwan and China. Sustainability 12(10), 4326. doi: 3390/su12104326. [SSCI]
  5. Tsai-Chiao Wang, Jen-Son Cheng, Hsin-Yu Shih, Chia-Liang Tsai, Ta-Wei Tang, Ming-Lang Tseng, Ying-Sheng Yao, 2019. Environmental Sustainability on Tourist Hotels’ Image Development. Sustainability 11(8), 2378. doi:10.3390/su11082378. [SSCI]
  6. 黃鴻鈞, 施信佑, 陳一銘, 許勝程, 2017. 陸客來台觀光旅行業之困境與發展:運用TRIZ探討經營創新. 產業與管理論壇 19(4), pp.32-54. [TSSCI]
  7. Hung-Chun Huang, Hsin-Yu Shih, Tsung-Han Ke, 2017. Structure of a patent transaction network. Scientometrics 111(1), pp.25-45. [SSCI]
  8. Jen-Son Cheng, Ta-Wei Tang, Hsin-Yu Shih, Tsai-Chiao Wang, Designing Lifestyle Hotels. International Journal of Hospitality Management 58, pp.95-106. [SSCI]
  9. Jen-Son Cheng, Hsin-Yu Shih, Hui-Yao Lin, 2016. Key Success Factors in Resort Hotels Practicing Moving Experience. Review of Research and Social Intervention 53, pp.80-88. [SSCI]
  10. Jen-Son Cheng, Hsin-Yu Shih, Chih-Hung Chen, 2016. Festival Revisiting Intention and Quality: The Case of Taiwan's Lantern Festival. Universal Journal of Management 4(10), pp. 575-580. [EconLit]
  11. Jen-Son Cheng, Hsin-Yu Shih, Ming-Hsuan Wu, 2016. Ambience and Customer Loyalty of the Sport-themed Restaurant. Universal Journal of Management 4(8), pp. 444-450. [EconLit]
  12. Hung-Chun Huang, Hsin-Yu Shih, Tsung-Han Ke, Pai-Yu Liu, 2015. Elucidating how environment affects patterns of network change: A case study of the evolution of an Industrial Network in the flat panel display sector. Journal of the Knowledge Economy 6(1), pp.190-213. [EconLit]
  13. Hung-Chun Huang, Hsin-Yu Shih, Exploring the structure of international technology diffusion. Foresight, 16(3), pp. 210-228. [EconLit]
  14. Hsin-Yu Shih, 2013. Market structure and performance: Perspective from network analysis of industry structure. Sun Yat-Sen Management Review, 21(1), pp. 85-121. [TSSCI]
  15. Hsin-Yu Shih, 2012. The dynamics of local and interactive effects on innovation adoption: The case of electronic commerce. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 29(3), pp. 434-452. [SSCI]
  16. Hao-Kai Hung, Ryh-Song Yeh, Hsin-Yu Shih, 2012. Voice behavior and performance ratings: The role of political skill. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(2), pp.442-450. [SSCI]
  17. Beryl L. Kuo, Peter J. Sher, Chien-Hsin Lin, Hsin-Yu Shih, 2012. Technology royalty as a strategic impetus in knowledge exchange. Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice 14(1), pp.59-73. [SSCI]
  18. Ta-Shun Cho, Hsin-Yu Shih, 2011. Patent citation network analysis of core and emerging technologies in Taiwan: 1997-2008. Scientometrics 89(3), pp. 795-811. [SSCI]
  19. Keng-Hsiang Cheng, Yu-Ching Chiao, Hsin-Yu Shih, Tai-Yu Lee, Ta-Shun Cho, 2011. Agglomeration and Competition among Chinese Cities: An Investigation of Taiwanese High-tech Firms’ FDI. Growth and Change 42(4), pp.517-548. [SSCI]
  20. Peter J. Sher, Hsin-Yu Shih, Beryl L. Kuo, 2011. A firm perspective on commercializing university technology. Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice 13(2), pp.173-186. [SSCI]
  21. Hung-Chun Huang, Hsin-Yu Shih, Ya-Chi Wu, 2011. Contagion effects of national innovative capacity: Comparing structural equivalence and cohesion models. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 78(2), pp.244-255. [SSCI]
  22. Hsin-Yu Shih, Pao-Long Chang, 2010. The application of network analysis to exploring intersectoral innovation flows: The unit value approach. International Journal of Business and Information, 5(2), pp.91-110. [ABI; ACI]
  23. Tai-Yu Lee, Yu-Ching Chiao, Hsin-Yu Shih, Yi-Chia Chiu, Keng-Hsiang Cheng, Ta-Shun Cho, 2010. Contagion effects of the sequential FDI trajectory: a social network analysis. NTU Management Review 21(1), pp.83-112. [TSSCI]
  24. Hsin-Yu Shih, Steven Chang, 2009. International diffusion of embodied and disembodied technology: a network analysis approach. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 76(6), pp.821-834. [SSCI]
  25. Hsin-Yu Shih, Pao-Long Chang, 2009. Industrial innovation networks in Taiwan and China: a comparative analysis. Technology in Society 31(2), pp.176-186. [SSCI]
  26. Hsin-Yu Shih, 2008. Contagion effects of electronic commerce diffusion: perspective from network analysis of industrial structure. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 75(1), pp.78-90. [SSCI]
  27. Chien-Hsin Lin, Hsin-Yu Shih, Peter J. Sher, 2007. Integrating technology readiness into technology acceptance: the TRAM model. Psychology and Marketing 24(7), pp.641-657. [SSCI]
  28. Hsin-Yu Shih, 2006. Network characteristics of drive tourism destinations: an application of network analysis in tourism. Tourism Management 27(5), pp. 1029-1039. [SSCI]
  29. Chien-Hsin Lin, Hsin-Yu Shih, Peter J. Sher, Ying-Ching Lin, 2006. E-service value: moderating roles of consumer knowledge and risk perceptions. Journal of e-Business 8(4), pp. 447-468. [TSSCI]
  30. Chien-Hsin Lin, Peter J. Sher, Hsin-Yu Shih, 2005. Past progress and future directions in conceptualizing customer perceived value. International Journal of Service Industry Management 16(4), pp. 318-336. [SSCI]
  31. Hsin-Yu Shih, Chih-Lun Wu, Peter J. Sher, 2005. The moderating effects of information technology on inter-firm collaboration: the case of Central-Satellite System in Taiwan. Journal of e-Business 7(2), pp. 191-214. [TSSCI]
  32. Pao-Long Chang, Hsin-Yu Shih, 2005. Comparing patterns of intersectoral innovation diffusion in Taiwan and China: a network analysis. Technovation 25(2), pp. 155-169. [SSCI]
  33. Pao-Long Chang, Hsin-Yu Shih, 2004. The innovation systems of Taiwan and China: a comparative analysis. Technovation 24(7), pp. 529-539. [SSCI]


  1. Hung-Chun Huang, Frederick Leslie Davy, Hsin-Yu Shih, Chwei-Jen Fan, 2018. Accelerating Knowledge Adoption: Information Systems Change Management – A Perspective of Social Network Structure. In: Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Eds.), Technology Adoption and Social Issues: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1689-1704). IGI Global, US.
  2. 施信佑, 黃鴻鈞, 2017. 當物流穿越雲端—發統企業股份有限公司. In: 服務晉級幸福升級~個案研析 (pp. 70-85). 經濟部商業司, 台北.
  3. Hung-Chun Huang, Frederick Leslie Davy, Hsin-Yu Shih, Chwei-Jen Fan, 2014. Accelerating Knowledge Adoption: Information Systems Change Management – A Perspective of Social Network Structure. In: Theodosios Tsiakis, Theodoros Kargidis, Panagiotis Katsaros (Eds.), Approaches and Processes for Managing the Economics of Information Systems (pp. 253-266). IGI Global, US.
  4. 施信佑, 黃鴻鈞, 2014. 從網路大數據開創口碑行銷的領航者—亞洲指標數位行銷顧問股份有限公司. In: 讓服務發芽灌溉創新茁壯~企業個案解析 (pp. 24-41). 經濟部商業司, 台北.
  5. Hsin-Yu Shih, 2006. Network analysis as a tool for the investigation of structural characteristic of drive tourism destinations. In: Nicolas Papadopoulos (Ed.), Contemporary Issues in Tourism: Perspectives and Challenges (pp. 139-208). ATINER, Athens.
  6. Hsin-Yu Shih, 2003. A Cross-Country Comparison of Institutional Functions and Innovation Diffusion in National Innovation Systems: the Case of Taiwan and China. Ph.D. dissertation, Institute of Business and Management, National Chiao Tung University. (指導教授:張保隆)
  7. 施信佑, 1994. 企業教育訓練型態、情境、績效關係之研究 權變觀點. 碩士論文, 國立中山大學企業管理研究所. (指導教授:黃振聰)


  1. Hsin-Yu Shih, Hung-Chun Huang, January 31- February 2, 2020. The Dynamics of the Technological Evolution in Semiconductor Industry. International Conference on Computers in Management and Business, Tokyo, Japan.
  2. Hung-Chun Huang, Hsin-Yu Shih, Tsung-Han Ke, August 25-29, 2019. The market behaviors of the patent transaction. Proceedings of PICMET 2019 (Technology Management in the World of Intelligent Systems), Portland, US. [EI]
  3. Hung-Chun Huang, Hsin-Ning Su, Hsin-Yu Shih, August 25-29, 2019. Explore the innovative fulcrums of patented technology: a perspective of technology embeddedness. Proceedings of PICMET 2019 (Technology Management in the World of Intelligent Systems), Portland, US. [EI]
  4. Tsung-Han Ke, Hung-Chun Huang, Hsin-Yu Shih, August 25-29, 2019. Order or Chaos: The Case of Cryptocurrency Platform. Proceedings of PICMET 2019 (Technology Management in the World of Intelligent Systems), Portland, US. [EI]
  5. Hsin-Yu Shih, Hung-Chun Huang, Tsung-Han Ke, June 11-14, 2019. The market typologies of patent transactions: An analysis of the LCD industry. 2019 International Conference of the IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society (TEMSCON 2019), Atlanta, US.
  6. Hung-Chun Huang, Hsin-Yu Shih, Tsung-Han Ke, August 19-23, 2018. Exploring Asia-Pacific Technology Diffusion and Technological Change. Proceedings of PICMET 2018 (Managing Technological Entrepreneurship: The Engine for Economic Growth), Hawaii, US. [EI]
  7. Hung-Chun Huang, Hsin-Ning Su, Hsin-Yu Shih, August 19-23, 2018. Analyzing Patent Transactions with Patent-based Measures. Proceedings of PICMET 2018 (Managing Technological Entrepreneurship: The Engine for Economic Growth), Hawaii, US. [EI]
  8. Hsin-Yu Shih, Hung-Chun Huang, January 30-February 2, 2018. Exploring Technology Diffusion and Technological Change: The Case of Asia-Pacific Countries. International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM 2018), Fukuoka, Japan.
  9. Hsin-Yu Shih, Hung-Chun Huang, August 16-18, 2017. The patterns of patent transaction markets. International Conference on Business, Internet, and Social Media (BISM 2017), Tokyo, Japan.
  10. Hung-Chun Huang, Hsin-Yu Shih, Tsung-Han Ke, July 9-13, 2017. The Typologies of Technological Transactions: An Analysis of the Patent Transaction Market in the TFT-LCD Industry. Proceedings of PICMET 2017 (Technology Management for Interconnected World), Portland, US. [EI]
  11. Tsung-Han Ke, Hung-Chun Huang, Hsin-Yu Shih, July 9-13, 2017. The Time Trend of the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Labor Market: The Moderation Effect of Production Technology. Proceedings of PICMET 2017 (Technology Management for Interconnected World), Portland, US. [EI]
  12. Hung-Chun Huang, Hsin-Yu Shih, Tsung-Han Ke, September 4-8, 2016. The Technology Diffusion in Patent Transaction Network: An Example of TFT-LCD Industry. Proceedings of PICMET 2016 (Technology Management for Social Innovation), Hawaii, US. [EI]
  13. Hsin-Yu Shih and Pei-Wen Liao, August 25-27, 2016. The cooperation and competition of technological development. The 5th International Conference on Social Sciences and Business (ICSSB 2016), Tokyo, Japan.
  14. Hsin-Yu Shih and Pei-Wen Liao, March 29-31, 2016. The Cohesion and Hierarchy of TFT-LCD Technology Diffusion: Perspective from Social Network Analysis. International Conference on Business and Social Science (ICBASS-2016), Kyoto, Japan.
  15. Hsin-Yu Shih and Pei-Wen Liao, January 23-24, 2016. Exploring the Networks of Patent Citation and Patent Transaction from the Social Network Analysis Perspective: The Case of TFT-LCD Technology. International Conference on Business, Economics, and Social Science & Humanities (BESSH-2016), Hong Kong.
  16. Hung-Chun Huang, Hsin-Yu Shih, Tsung-Han Ke, August 2-6, 2015. Exploring the Structure of Patents Transaction Network: A Perspective of Network Analysis. Proceedings of PICMET 2015 (Management of the Technology Age), Portland, US. [EI]
  17. Hsin-Yu Shih, Hung-Chun Huang, July 14-17, 2015. The Patent Transactions Network: A Network Structure Analysis of TFT-LCD Industry. International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM 2015), Sapporo, Japan.
  18. Hsin-Yu Shih, Yen-Seng Hao, July 27-31, 2014. Modeling Technological Value Net through Network Contagion: The Case of LED Industry. Proceedings of PICMET 2014 (Infrastructure and Service Integration), Japan. [EI]
  19. Beryl L. Kuo, Hsin-Yu Shih, Peter J. Sher, July 27-31, 2014. Strategic Intent of University-Industry Transfer Collaboration. Proceedings of PICMET 2014 (Infrastructure and Service Integration), Japan. [EI]
  20. Hung-Chun Huang, Tsung-Han Ke, Hsin-Yu Shih, Tung-Lung Chang, July 27-31, 2014. Exploring the National Role and Position of International Technology Diffusion: A Technological Embeddedness Perspective. Proceedings of PICMET 2014 (Infrastructure and Service Integration), Japan. [EI]
  21. Hsin-Yu Shih, Ta-Shun Cho, April 29-30, 2013. Technology diffusion in the Taiwan electricity and physics fields technological innovation systems: A patent citation network analysis. 3ed International Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Behavioral Sciences (ICBEMBS’2013), Singapore.
  22. Beryl L. Kuo, Peter J. Sher, Hsin-Yu Shih, August 8-10, 2012. A Study on Strategic University-Industry Collaboration. The 10th Triple Helix International Conference, Bandung,
  23. Hung-Chun Huang, Hsin-Yu Shih, July 29- August 2, 2012. Exploring the structure of international technology diffusion. Proceedings of PICMET 2012 (Technology Management for Emerging Technologies), Vancouver, Canada. [EI]
  24. Hsin-Yu Shih, Ta-Shun Cho, June 8-10, 2012. Mapping of the focused technology life cycle in electricity of Taiwan: a patent citation network analysis. Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (AIE2012), Macau, China.
  25. Ta-Shun Cho, Hsin-Yu Shih, March 18-22, 2012. Core technology networks in electricity and physics of Taiwan. Proceedings of IAMOT 2012 (Managing Technology-Service Convergences in the Post-Industrialized Society), Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  26. Yen-Seng Hao, Hsin-Yu Shih, March 18-22, 2012. Evaluation of the innovative capability of firms by using a social network analysis approach. Proceedings of IAMOT 2012 (Managing Technology-Service Convergences in the Post-Industrialized Society), Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  27. Ching-Yung Wang, Peter J. Sher, Hsin-Yu Shih, March 18-22, 2012. Are patents core competence for SMEs. Proceedings of IAMOT 2012 (Managing Technology-Service Convergences in the Post-Industrialized Society), Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  28. Hung-Chun Huang, Hsin-Yu Shih, Pai-Yu Liu, July 31-August 4, 2011. Environment Effects on Patterns of Network Change: The Flat Panel Display Industry Network Evolution. Proceedings of PICMET 2011 (Technology Management in the Energy-Smart World), Portland, US. [EI]
  29. Hsin-Yu Shih, Hung-Chun Huang, Pai-Yu Liu, January 23-25, 2011. A Dynamic Perspective on Network Transition of Technology Evolution: The case of Flat Panel Display Industry. Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Asia Pacific Business Innovation & Technology Management, Bali, Indonesia.
  30. Peter J. Sher, Hsin-Yu Shih, Beryl L. Kuo, Chien-Hsin Lin, Yi-Chen Lu, August 6-10, 2010. Payment schemes, knowledge proprietariness, and internalization in acquiring foreign technology. 2010 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Montréal, Quebec, Canada.
  31. Hung-Chun Huang, Hsin-Yu Shih, Ya-Chi Wu, July 18-22, 2010. Constructing National Innovative Capacity in Globalization: The Network Autocorrelation Perspective. Proceedings of PICMET 2010 (Technology Management for Global Economic Growth), Phuket, Thailand. (Brad Hosler Outstanding Student Paper Award) [EI]
  32. Ta-Shun Cho, Hsin-Yu Shih, July 18-22, 2010. Social Network Analysis of Directors and Supervisors in Taiwan Semiconductor Industry. Proceedings of PICMET 2010 (Technology Management for Global Economic Growth), Phuket, Thailand. [EI]
  33. Yen-Seng Hao, Hsin-Yu Shih, Hung-Chun Huang, Ling-Li Lin, July 18-22, 2010. Co-opetition of cooperative and competitive relationship: A Network Analysis Approach. Proceedings of PICMET 2010 (Technology Management for Global Economic Growth), Phuket, Thailand. [EI]
  34. Peter J. Sher, Hsin-Yu Shih, Beryl L. Kuo, Chien-Hsin Lin, Yi-Chen Lu, July 18-22, 2010. Payment schemes in learning-related international technology licensing contracts. Proceedings of PICMET 2010 (Technology Management for Global Economic Growth), Phuket, Thailand. [EI]
  35. Hao-Kai Hung, Ryh-Song Yeh, Hsin-Yu Shih, July 13-16, 2010. Voice behavior and performance ratings: The moderating role of political skill. Glance APTA 2010 Conference, Macau, China.
  36. Peter J. Sher, Hsin-Yu Shih, Beryl L. Kuo, Yi-Chen Lu, Chien-Hsin Lin, June 25-29, 2010. Foreign technology licensing and payment modes: Evidence from Taiwan. Academy of International Business (AIB) 2010 Annual Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  37. Hung-Chun Huang, Hsin-Yu Shih, Sheng-Cheng Hsu, June 2-5, 2010. Team Structure to Accelerate Knowledge Diffusion: A Case Study in Computer Software Developer. Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation & Technology, Singapore. [EI]
  38. 施信佑, 卓大順, 9月1-2日, 2009. 高科技產業內投資網絡之研究-以台灣半導體產業為例. 2009沿海區域產業科技管理研討會, 廣州, 中國.
  39. Kuan-Chao Tiao, Hsin-Yu Shih, August 19-21, 2009. The relationship between business environmental performance and financial value. 2009 International Conference on Industrial Globalization and Technology Innovation, Xian City, China.
  40. Peter J. Sher, Hsin-Yu Shih, Beryl L. Kuo, August 7-11, 2009. Commercializing University Invention: Taiwanese Firm's perspective. 2009 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
  41. Tai-Yu Lee, Yu-Ching Chiao, Hsin-Yu Shih, Keng-Hsiang Cheng, Ta-Shun Cho, August 7-11, 2009. The Sequential FDI trajectory of Taiwanese MNEs in China: A Social Network Analysis Approach. 2009 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
  42. Hung-Chun Huang, Hsin-Yu Shih, August 2-6, 2009. National Innovative Capacity in the International Technology Diffusion: The Perspective of Network Contagion Effects. Proceedings of PICMET 2009 (Technology Management in the Age of Fundamental Change), Portland, US. [EI]
  43. Keng-Hsiang Cheng, Yu-Ching Chiao, Hsin-Yu Shih, Tai-Yu Lee, Ta-Shun Cho, June 27-30, 2009. Agglomeration and Competition of Taiwanese High-TRCH Firms FDI in China—A Social Network Perspective. AIB 2009 Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, USA.
  44. Hsin-Yu Shih, June 22-24, 2009. Structural Blocks of International Technology Diffusion: A Network Analysis Perspective. Global Management 2009, Seville, Spain.
  45. Hao-Kai Hung, Hsin-Yu Shih, July 9-12, 2008. Tourist Cognitive Maps: Attraction, Node, and Destination Region Perspectives. 14th Annual APTA Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
  46. Hsin-Yu Shih, Steven Chang, June 30 - July 3, 2008. A Multilateral Analysis of International Technology Diffusion. AIB 2008 Annual Meeting, Milan, Italy.
  47. Hsin-Yu Shih, March 27-29, 2008. Diffusion of Electronic Commerce Adoption: The Effects of Contagion and Autocorrelation. 2008 International Conference on e-Commerce, Bangkok, Thailand. (Best Paper)
  48. Hsin-Yu Shih, Steven Chang, July 4-8, 2007. Network structure of international technology diffusion: a network analysis approach. 16th World Business Congress of the International Management Development Association (IMDA), Maastricht, Netherlands.
  49. 黃鴻鈞, 施信佑, 5月27日, 2006. 研發團隊運作之網絡性探索. 第十屆科際整合管理研討會, 台北.
  50. 黃鴻鈞, 施信佑, 5月20日, 2006. 冗餘分析對研發團隊知識管理之探索. 第七屆電子化企業經營管理理論暨實務研討會, 彰化.
  51. 黃鴻鈞, 施信佑, 4月1日, 2006. 研發團隊中社會網絡冗餘關係對知識創造的價值. 2006數位科技與創新管理國際研討會, 台北.
  52. Hsin-Yu Shih, December 5-8, 2005. Diffusion of electronic commerce: an empirical study of industrial structure in Taiwan. 2nd International Business Research Conference, Sydney, Australia.
  53. 徐茂練, 蔡千姿, 施信佑, 11月11日, 2005. 研發委外策略與規劃--以健身器材產業為例. 2005研發服務產業發展研討會, 經濟部工業局, 台北.
  54. Hsin-Yu Shih, July 7-9, 2005. Network analysis as a tool for the investigation of structural characteristic of drive tourism destinations. International Conference on Tourism, Athens, Greece.
  55. Chien-Hsin Lin, Hsin-Yu Shih, Peter J. Sher, Yen-Li Wang, July 31-August 4, 2005. Consumer adoption of e-service: Integrating technology readiness with the Technology acceptance model. PICMET ’05 Symposium (Technology Management: A Unifying Discipline for Melting the Boundaries), Portland, US.
  56. Hsin-Yu Shih, Yen-Li Wang, Chien-Hsin Lin, October 27-29, 2004. Consumer perceived e-service quality: perspectives from technology readiness and technology acceptance model. Tenth Asia Pacific Management Conference, Daejeon, Korea.
  57. Chien-Hsin Lin, Hsin-Yu Shih, Peter J. Sher, July 31-August 4, 2004. E-Service value: effects of consumer knowledge and risk perceptions. PICMET ’04 Symposium (Innovation Management in the Technology-Driven World), Seoul, Korea.
  58. Pao-Long Chang, Hsin-Yu Shih, November 19-21, 2003. Inter-industrial and extra-industrial innovation relationships: Network analysis for comparing Taiwan and China. Proceedings of the 9th Asia Pacific Management Conference, pp. 851-862, Osaka, Japan.
  59. Pao-Long Chang, Hsin-Yu Shih, July 6-10, 2003. Network analysis of intersectoral innovation flows: an alternative approach. EURO/INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey.


  1. 施信佑, 2020. 從全球技術鑲嵌觀點探討台灣科技升級轉型的機會與選擇 (MOST 105-2410-H-260 -045 -MY3).
  2. 施信佑, 2019. 探索產業科技創新能力之技術體制 (MOST 108-2918-I-260-001).
  3. 施信佑, 2016. 專利交易價值鏈之研究以專利引證網絡分析與專利交易網絡分析 (NSC102-2410-H-260-022-MY3).
  4. 施信佑, 2013. 從專利引證網絡分析探討台灣技術發展藍圖. 國科會專題研究計畫報告(NSC100-2410-H-260-001-MY2).
  5. 施信佑, 2012. 以社會網絡觀點探討專利權交易關係中廠商之技術策略規劃機制. 國科會產學合作計畫報告(NSC 100-2622-H-260-001-CC3)
  6. 施信佑, 2011. 以社會網絡觀點探討專利引證關係中之技術流動、技術策略規劃與技術價值. 國科會專題研究計畫報告(NSC97-2410-H-260-001-MY3).
  7. 施信佑, 2008. 從網絡分析觀點探討市場結構與績效的關係:以臺灣產業結構為例. 國科會專題研究計畫報告(NSC 96-2416-H-260-015-).
  8. 施信佑, 2007. 從國際技術擴散觀點探討台灣之國際技術競爭優勢. 國科會專題研究計畫報告(NSC 95-2416-H-260-009-).
  9. 施信佑, 2007. 企業研發之國際化過程與策略. 國科會國外短期研究報告(NSC:95-2918-I-260-001).
  10. 施信佑, 2006. 產業採用電子商務之傳播效應研究以台灣產業結構之網絡分析觀點. 國科會專題研究計畫報告(NSC:94-2416-H-260-006-).
  11. 施信佑, 2005. 芬蘭科技政策研究. In: 產業科技創新系統與運作機制政策研究計畫, 經濟部科技研究發展專案計畫報告, 工研院.
  12. 施信佑, 2005. 南投縣觀光景點動線之研究以網絡分析觀點. 國科會專題研究計畫報告(NSC: 93-2415-H-260-007-SSS).
  13. 施信佑, 2004. 電子化服務品質與服務價值︰科技準備度觀點. 國科會專題研究計畫報告(NSC: 92-2416-H-260-021-).
  14. 蔡千姿, 徐茂練, 施信佑, 2004. 傳統產業知識移轉與群聚創新之策略. 經濟部工業局研究專案計畫報告, 工研院.
  15. 張保隆, 周瑛琪, 施信佑, 2003. 建構企業營運總部之經營模式. 經濟部工業局研究專案計畫報告, 中國生產力中心.
  16. 蔡千姿, 徐茂練, 施信佑, 2003. 傳統產業槓桿運用高新科技之策略研究計畫. 經濟部工業局研究專案計畫報告, 工研院.
  17. 張保隆, 施信佑, 2001. 中美日及其他重要國家技術創新體系之分析比較. In: 產業技術政策研究與決策系統建置計畫, 經濟部科技研究發展專案計畫報告(MOEA: 90-EC2A-17-0118-07) , 工研院.

